29 September 2009Sungguh seronok dan meriah berjalan Hari Raya bersama kawan-kawan dari sekolah menengahku. Tetapi, amat sedihnya ada yang tidak bisa ikuti kami.
Tempat perjumpaan kami di rumah Luqman. Maafin gue kerna lambat :P . Nasib kita baik kerana ada kenderaan sendiri pada hari itu.
Di rumah Rasydan, kita tengok cerita yang bertajuk 'Gegebo'. Kelakar seram.HaHa. Kelakar gila!!!. Kamu perlu tengok. 'lahaulawala....' LOL!!!
After his house, we part ways with each other because he got another plans. So, the 8-9 of us had to fit and squeeze in in the Honda Fit! It will be okay if it was a 7-8 sitter car. But, thank god, at least we have our own vehicle to travel around. Fortunately, no one was being place at the car boot or being tied on top of the car. HaHa.
Had a mini 'night race'. In a rush. Driver drift and drag.
Abang racer/F1. LOL!!!!
Overall, had a really really great day!! Spent with friends + green packets!!
1 October 2009Happy Children Day! and Happy Birthday to that friend of mine. HeHe.
Today, went '
Jalan Raya' with my friends again. But, this time it is with my...Primary School friends!!!! WooHoo!!!! It's been ages since I saw some of them. AGES!!! Glad that everyone still remember each other. Well, what can I say, seasons change, so does people :D . Pretty pretty everyone :P. Did some catching up with each other. Then, off to our house visiting. Oh, we even went to Cikgu's house. Only one. Unfortunately, she did not really recognize or remember most of us. Never mind, that is okay. Last house - Punggol. Took the last bus home. Pity the one who lives at Jurong. Good to hear that today is not going to be the last day we meet. Next week outing eh! yahoooo!! Can't wait for it. Surprise, surprise. HeHe.
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Are you looking for something more?
It's not me.....