I know that I have been MIA-ing,again, and not updating this blog regularly. Not that busy, just that it is hard to get an internet access in the rural area. The connection is not that strong.So, ya.....
Anyway, it is the school holidays and I had enough resting, relaxing, catching up. Now is the time for me to get a job. Still finding and hopefully get one.
Friday the 13Got an invitation to a dinner at Pan Pacific Hotel, thanks to Sabri. Meet them at City Hall and sorry for arriving late. We reached the hotel quite early. They still need to do some last minute rehearsal. So here's what we did while waiting....

Well, that's some of it.
Seated at Table 17. The other guests seated with us were all more older than us. In fact, there were not many people age...I think. Event started with a speech. Luckily not a long one. Few performance after that and dinner is served next. The foods are not bad. Hey,
'bawak bekal pergi perang ke pe'..LoL. The person who served us...she's an eye candy huh..haha. Trust me, not to me. Just got to say that you gotta make good use of the opportunities you have. Do not live with regrets. HaHa. There is also a Capella performance. Great voices. Oh ya, there was a largest cake I have ever seen and it is delicious too.

That is the last photo taking for the day. Headed to fountain of wealth and chill there for a while before going home. While those guys are happily walking to the train station, I had difficulties in locating my bus stop. I know it is few kilometers away from where we chilled earlier but I just could not pass through the mall as most of the exits/entrance are closed. So I have to go one big round. First try leads to the wrong bus stop. Second, leads to a dead end. Phone some friends to get the help I need, but they still did not give me the right direction. It is okay, thanks anyway guys. So I just walked around and try every route I see. Luckily my compass-like sense of direction did not fail on me. HaHa. Took the last bus and headed home. Home Sweet Home Bedok!
Happy Valentines Day to those who are celebrating it :)
'my state of mind, has finally got the best of me'