Done with school stuff and now I am blog hopping. Hop til I land on this place with interest sight. Found this website where people post their photo and write whatever they want to do before they die.
That is the website if you guys want to check it out. Also, do not forget to post your photo and your before-death-list. So far, I have seen that most of them want to travel around the world before they die. Hhhmmm, who would not want that, right? Some of the things I want to do are.....
SnowboardingPlay in a gig/Have my own concertTo see Paramore and Panic at the Disco live concertGo Anfield and watch Liverpool's matchI want to feel how it is like to be a billionaire! ( or maybe millionaire? thousandaire? )To love and to be loved. HeHe.Drive luxury, sports cars. ( Lamborghini, Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes SLR, Maserati) Accelerate the car at full speed til my body can not take it.Travel the world. Parts of Europe at least.I bet there are still more stuff but I could not think of it right now. I will add on in time to come.
It is already 1 am now, there is school later on and I am still here writing my 'death-list'. HaHa. Not only that. I am doing the structure for the me and Syuk ( and hopefully the class too! than it will be ' How 24 Songs Collide. Cool or what! HaHa. )recording later. HaHa. It is going to be a nice one I tell you.Done with that and we can try it later! Now, I cannot sleep 'I cannot dream tonight, I need somebody and always, This sick strange darkness, Comes creeping on so haunting every time' HaHa.
Maybe, if my brain stop working, it won't hurt this much.
Damn! Hate the flu, headache, body ache. I think I am going to be sick. It all started with one person and that one person spreads the virus to all.HaHa