Tuesday, January 26, 2010
you made me fall forever, with no end in sight
Finally!!!! The project is over!!!
After 1+ month of working on it, it is finally off our shoulder. Pheeww!
Presented first time at the lecture theatre.
Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
She likes our proposal!! WooHoo!!!
I wanna thank my teammates. Good job guys!
Last night was great.
Finally get to hear your voice. HaHa.
Swweeeeeetttt!!! hehe.
Even though it ends pretty late, I really enjoyed it.
Hopefully will do it again soon :D
School. IEP briefing. Jamming. tomorrow
Tired. Sleepy.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know
you've accomplished things that i can only dream of.
made me think back, what have i done so far in this world.
some times are being waste.
but too bad, we can't get them back.

I know it's late to publish this poster
but if you guys are free, come down to south agora during breaks and support us.
Play our games. Buy our stuffs. All for charity cost.
Hope to see you guys there.
'Aku ingin menjadi mimpi indah dalam tidurmu, Aku ingin menjadi sesuatu yg mungkin bisa kau rindu'
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Volenti non fit injuria
A thing that didn't even cross my mind just happened. Damn It!!!
I swear to god, if I found that person, I'll beat the crap out of him!
Haiz...a test from the Mighty up there. Sabar je la eh.....
You can't ctrl-z what had happened.
Yang sudah tu sudah, nangis tidak berlagu.
Takpe, ade hikmah di sebalik ape yang terjadi.
Now my six-string machine is handicap, I am seriously lack source of entertainment. Dang!!
Lastly, thanks Syikin for lending me your laptop for me to do the test.
Saviour. HaHa.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Living life inside a dream, time is changing everything
Was randomly listening to Ziana Zain's songs
And I got to say...I love it
Love her voice and songs.
Class is boring.
Feel like sleeping through the presentations.
Oh well, can't wait for jamming session later :)
pass***wordOh, finally, today lesson's worksheet give a very important information.
To all Liverpool FC fans, say hello to the new sponsor...

new jersey look.
No more carlsberg upfront.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I'm just one of those ghosts, travelling endlessly
Back to school, for most us. Dang! what a drag..
No mood to attend the class but I did, eventually.
Lesson was not that bad.
Concentrated on the JIVE event.
C'mon guys, we can do it!! WooHoo!!!
Everything was planned, now it's a matter of executing the plans.
More tests to come. Haiz...
Misguided ghosts
Travelling endlessly
The ones we trusted the most
Pushed us far away