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Tuesday, October 27, 2009
like snow falls on desert sky

if this is a test, i feel like giving up now

coz it's just too troublesome.
right Naraboi?

Saturday, October 24, 2009
I climb, I slip, I fall
Was about to write about the field trip at Sungei Buloh, but, just the thought of the stupid thing I did during the match, just dampen the mood. Haiz...

That could/may win it for the team!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!

What the hell Fiz!!! What the hell!!! ARGH!!!

It is a lesson hard to swallow.

Difficult to forget the incident.


there's another thing that just makes the night worst....

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Stop there and let me correct it.....I wanna live a life from a new perspective (random)
the ship has sailed away, and I'm not in it!
when will i see that somehow everything's going to fall right in to place.
trying to be a changed person but not trying hard enough!
feels like going to the beach and scream my lungs out
or go for karaoke and sing my heart out
dinginnya angin malam ini menyapa tubuhku
Man, I wish it would rain now, cause...
'when it rains, on this side of town it touches, everything'
wanna make a bed at the bottom of the blackest hole, and sleep there til May 23rd
snow falls on desert sky
hungry but lazy to heat up the pizza in the fridge
if only I have magic, everything will be as easy as A-B-C or 1-2-3
tmw's fieldtrip, what's in store for me...hhhhmmmmmmmm...
today's faci, 'very good, very good', kinda boring..bboooo!!
Man, how do I do the drum stick spin?? Guitar spin better
which song should I learn now? hhhmmmmmmm...
someone please drug me to sleep
i need to get enough sleep so that i won't be tired in class!!
feels like going backpacking...EUROPE!!
i wanna drive Mercedes SLR McLaren but i heard it can't be driven here..how!? HOW!!??
i wanna know what it'd be like
to find perfection in the pride
to see nothing in the light
and who cares divine intervention
i wanna be praised from a new perspective

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I was finished long before we had even seen the start

" There are 3 types of people in this world.
1)people who wait for things to happen
2)people who makes things happen
3) people who do not know what is happening "

- Chong

Relaku menunggumu,

Seribu tahun lama lagi,
Tapi benarkah hidup
Aku kan selama ini

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
In the free fall I will realize I'm better off when I hit the bottom

Eating pizza. A treat from the facilitator and it is only the second lesson. WooHoo!!!

tonight! tonight! hehe.

Monday, October 12, 2009
She lives in a fairy tale, Somewhere too far for me to find


aarrgghh!!! nevermind, see ya tomorrow. HeHe

If it's not real

You can't hold it in your hands
You can't feel it with your heart
And I won't believe it
But if it's true
You can see it with your eyes
Oh even in the dark
And that's where I want to be

~Ba da ba ba da ba ba da~

Ba da ba ba ba da ba ba
Ba da ba ba da ba ba da
~Ba da ba ba ba ba ba ba~

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Close your eyes, just pretend the bullet isn't there
Saturday afternoon was spent with my Poly mates. Went house visiting. WooHoo. Only a few houses but all the houses were scattered all around the Island. Meeting place at AJ's house, well actually the Tampines interchange..but...hehe. Tahqeem and I got lost on our way to AJ's crib. Kind of difficult to find it. Anyway, next up, Farhan's crib. Spent most of the time there because Tahqeem got something on and while waiting we did some activities there. Carrom's the game!! First time playing carrom and kind of like it. Played a game and already hook to it. HaHa. The guys there should know. I need to work on my 'striker'. Thanks to those who taught me. I still need to have a better accuracy + power! Next time An, rematch! HaHa. Oh, and there is a mini karaoke there too. My kind of songs. HaHa. Sporting mum. Hooked on the game til forget the world. HaHa. Sorry guys. Kenapa tak kejut?? HeHe.

Was already late when we depart from An's house. Luckily got our transport on the next house. If not, I do not think we can complete all the houses. 1 car, 1 bike. After Syak's house, it is my turn. Than next in line is Tahqeem's, which is at Choa Chu Kang. Now, this is when the problem comes. The driver was not sure of the route to get there. So, I tried my best to direct the way. Also, thanks to my dad, who is already an experienced driver. Finally, we reached his house, which I think is going to be midnight soon. Rush off to Woodlands and lastly to Bishan. Most of us we already half dead. Just waiting for a right and comfortable place to crash. Pity the driver. If only I already have my license!! AARRGHH!!!! I want to get it soon! I need it! Thanks again Syak. Reached home nearly 2am I think. Whoa, ni baru dikatakan betul2 jalan Hari Raya. HaHa.

Saturday, October 10, 2009
The truth never set me free, So I did it myself
The first week of a new semester has past. Glad to say that the new classes, classmates are okay. Okay in a sense of communicating and working with them. I have yet to know them more. Never mind, we got 15 more weeks to go. Again, sooner or later we'll see the true colors. Hopefully there are rainbows. New modules, need some time to really digest it. Still, I love to learn new things. Law! woohoo! HaHa. Facilitators...hhhmmmm....all are...GREAT!! Not much expectations. Thank God! Alhamdulillah.

Friday night. Outing with my old skool peeps. WooHoo!! HeHe. It has been years since we saw each other. Thank god again for bringing us back together. Ate my dinner at Fadilah's crib. That is the meeting place. Sadly, not many people came. A lot of talking only but in the end never turn up! Haiyo! Pity the organizer. But the show must go on and it did :) Went to Cashstudio at simpang Bedok. To do what else..sing our heart out. HaHa. Even though Lisa EJECT some or maybe most of the songs!! we still had a great time! EJECT EJECT! kesian Arif. HaHa. Can't wait for the next outing. Lisa organise eh!? hhhmmmm.
Some take cab while others walked home because there are no buses left. So, we walked at a damn scary lane. Ghost stories are shared and interesting to hear their life experience. Reached home and KO.

dónde estás?

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Start of Something New
School starts tomorrow, but I am still in a holiday mood.
Like it or not, I still have to attend the class.
On the bright side, there are still some of my previous classmates that I get to be in the same class with this coming semester.
& my class block is one block closer to the main entrance, compared to last semester. HaHa.
Some new classmates to get to know. Hopefully there are 'great' ones ~~. HeHe. ~~
Got to wake up early.So, have to sleep early.
BUT, there is a big match later on.
Liverpool vs Chelsea
Hopefully, Liverpool will win this match. Fernando Torres and Steven Gerrard .WooHoo!!!
I guess I have to sleep a little later.
Pray that everything goes well tomorrow.HeHe.

Ignorance is my new best friend
Go get you shovel
And we'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle

Finally!!! The album is out and I had just bought it!!! WOOOHHHHOOO!!!!
Great songs. Paramore...what do you expect. The best of cause. HaHa. Welcome to the team, Taylor York! Hayley still HOT + cute, as ever :P

Next album on my to-buy list:
Three Days Grace

The nice album cover makes an additional reason for me to want to buy it. Damn nice! Although I can download it but...NAH!!! Original bebeh! HaHa.
Actually there are still more albums that I want to buy. Mayday Parade, Breaking Benjamin, Selena Gomez :P, and more. Lots of nice new albums coming out this month that I saw at HMV. Man, if only I can make my own 'HMV' at home. Room full of albums!

At night, just before it struck midnight, was at Bedok McDonald and accidentally met a long lost friend of mine. HaHa. Used to be real close friend. Some things never change huh? HaHa. Chatted with her until morning. We planned for next week meet up. Geezz..time flies real fast. No buses left so we walked home. Luckily it was not that far. Oh, and thanks Sabri, if not for you, 'I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known'. HaHa. Sleep in the morning again -_-''! haiz.

chat, chat, chat.WooHoo!! :P

Friday, October 2, 2009
Suatu hari nanti pastikan bercahaya
29 September 2009

Sungguh seronok dan meriah berjalan Hari Raya bersama kawan-kawan dari sekolah menengahku. Tetapi, amat sedihnya ada yang tidak bisa ikuti kami.
Tempat perjumpaan kami di rumah Luqman. Maafin gue kerna lambat :P . Nasib kita baik kerana ada kenderaan sendiri pada hari itu.
Di rumah Rasydan, kita tengok cerita yang bertajuk 'Gegebo'. Kelakar seram.HaHa. Kelakar gila!!!. Kamu perlu tengok. 'lahaulawala....' LOL!!!
After his house, we part ways with each other because he got another plans. So, the 8-9 of us had to fit and squeeze in in the Honda Fit! It will be okay if it was a 7-8 sitter car. But, thank god, at least we have our own vehicle to travel around. Fortunately, no one was being place at the car boot or being tied on top of the car. HaHa.
Had a mini 'night race'. In a rush. Driver drift and drag. Abang racer/F1. LOL!!!!
Overall, had a really really great day!! Spent with friends + green packets!!

1 October 2009

Happy Children Day! and Happy Birthday to that friend of mine. HeHe.
Today, went 'Jalan Raya' with my friends again. But, this time it is with my...Primary School friends!!!! WooHoo!!!! It's been ages since I saw some of them. AGES!!! Glad that everyone still remember each other. Well, what can I say, seasons change, so does people :D . Pretty pretty everyone :P. Did some catching up with each other. Then, off to our house visiting. Oh, we even went to Cikgu's house. Only one. Unfortunately, she did not really recognize or remember most of us. Never mind, that is okay. Last house - Punggol. Took the last bus home. Pity the one who lives at Jurong. Good to hear that today is not going to be the last day we meet. Next week outing eh! yahoooo!! Can't wait for it. Surprise, surprise. HeHe.

What are you looking for?

Are you looking for something more?
It's not me.....

23 May 1990
Silent Assassin
I can't decide
You have made it harder
just to go on
And why?
All the possibilities...
Well I was wrong

let's take it from the top
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    that's ticking like a clock
    it's a matter of time
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