WHAT THE F...!!!!!!!
I opened the ultimate-guitar website and the first thing that captures me was a news on Panic at The Disco. The heading reads, "
Panic at The Disco announces split ". What the shiat is this man. One of my favorite band is splitting up before even coming to my home ground?!? Been waiting years for their concert to be held here. I know that there are quite a number of haters out there, critising them, saying the band are emo shit, their character, the way they dress etc. I don't give give a hoot about that. Love their songs in the first album. A little bit disappointed with the second album, but still, after waiting for a long time, I bought it.
If the split really happens, which I hope not, then the band will only left Brendon Urie (vocalist) and Spencer Smith (drummer). I guess finally Panic has been Hush.
Haiz...bad news after bad news...Where has the good ones gone too?
the source: http://panicatthedisco.com/2009/07/06/to-whom-it-may-concern/

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