I had a dream last night we.....drove out to see Las Vegas
The Earth Hour thing had past few hours ago. Hope you guys participate in saving the Earth, yea I sure did, because it is the only planet that you guys going to live in. That is until they prove they are other planets that can sustain human beings.
Lights were switched off, candles were lighted, torchlight were used. 'When darkness turns to light, It ends tonight'. Actually, I was sleeping most of the time during that lights-off, so, it does not really matter whether the house is pitch-black or not.HaHa. But, the important thing is we did our part to save the Earth. Second important thing is, with all the lights being switching off for one hour, I am sure the electric bill going to reduce this month. By a few hundreds cents maybe. Imagine if I were to do this every week, at least once, I could save a lot! and my dad do not have to pay a large sum. Hhhmmm....

I am doing a random blogging. So, ya, still in the holidays. Not sure when school's going to start. Few more weeks I guess. Damn, I really hate it when things do not goes the way we plan. I mean, you have really put a lot of effort in planning, laying out everything, structuring the stuff so that it will have its support and suddenly something unexpected just dash into it and smash it. The feeling is like standing on a road and being hit by a school bus.
Sweet niblets, I was thinking of write something here before I switched on the air-con but my mind is blank right now. My train of thoughts seems to get raided by bandits. Where are the police when you need them?
On a new note, I have been listening to this album, Punk Goes Pop Vol.2, for quite some time. I kinda love it. Thanks to a friend of mine for giving it to me. Some punk bands cover some of the pop songs and make it more...punk? hardcore? screamo?. Whatever it is, I kind of prefer the covered version rather than the original,well, most of them I would say. A lil bit more rock edge.Yea bebeh.
Been helping with my lil sister with her homework. I gotta say that...I CAN'T TEACH!!! hahaha. Man, it is just a basic primary school stuff and sometimes I find it tough to make her understand. You see, we as a poly/sec students already know lots of stuff which most primary school kids don't. So when I teached them, sometimes the ' you-know-what-i-am-talking-about' 'mentality' is there. So, when they don't understand what you are teaching them, you will get frustrated and start to scold, push and push the poor lil fellow, who knows nothing like we do. It is not that I hate her for not getting what I am saying but I just want her to understand what she is learning and be a bright kid. I don't want her to be like me or any of her brothers. In fact, I want her to be the cleverest person in this house. I want my parents to be more strict towards her than they are towards me, in terms of studies I mean.
I know of a friend who used to want to be a teacher but not sure whether that friend of mine still wants it. Maybe I can get a tip or two on how to teach.HaHa.Patience needed.
I want to write songs now...but there are no inspiration
I am hungry...but lazy to get foods from the kitchen
I want to sleep...but I can't, suffering from a lil insomnia I guess
I want to tidy this room...but I guess this is how a guy room should look like
I want to cover/play some songs...but the guitar is kinda far away from me
I want to buy an electric guitar...but I do not have the cash
I should contribute in saving the earth...but (fill in the blank)
hhhmmm....maybe I should..
And I'll start by shutting this laptop now and not using electricity! But I still need the air-con to sleep! HaHa
Oh ya, my life's full of 'but'. Heard from someone that 'the time you use the word 'but' is when you are afraid'. Well, that is true in some context but mine, I guess I am just plain lazy.HaHa.
Firstly, thank god for answering my prayer. The rainy days nowadays, that's great, especially at night. With the air-con switch on. Now it's going to be hard to wake up later in the morning. Not trying to be the 'candle-princess' here, but have you guys notice the weather is getting warmer and warmer these days, I mean, before the rainy days that is. I guess what they say about the global warming is actually true. So guys better do your part to stop this! The rays are literally draining out my energy. Sometimes that's the reason why I do not feel like going out in the afternoon. Few months/years of this kind of weather and we may just get skin cancer, well, hopefully not.
On the not-so light note, I want to criticize on this particular shopping mall. I won't reveal the name but it is a walking distance from the City Hall MRT station, near Funan IT mall and also near Excelsior Hotel. Alright, this happen every time I go there. They will force you to buy their product.Yeah, force! You'll get irritated by it I tell you. So guys, beware! One tip, plug in a earpiece and listen to music in your MP3, handphone, etc. After finish browsing the stuffs, just get out and ignore the owner of the shop or the sales assistants there.HaHa. Cause if you don't, they ask questions like ' why don't wanna buy?, whats' your budget? blablabla' They will still ask you questions even after a gazillion 'no'. When I say that I' will come back later, they asked ' why later than come back?..buy ah.' FCUK YOU..I know that not many customers had bought your products but please don't think that I'm going to be the first. If that is the way you guys going to do business, I suggest you guys just fcuking close down the shop. Hope that the shop get rob. Oh, note for the robber, you are not going to find anything in the cash register because there won't be cash in it cause they have not sell a fcuking single thing!! That kind of service really set me to no mood of buying the stuffs there. I ain't going there again unless I
really really really need to get things there.
Played Pro Evolutino Soccer with my bro just now. Been a long time since I challenged him. He used to most of the time be the best in this game among us three bro but I beat him in both matches earlier on! Woohoo! And guess what, in both matches I have to play with just 10 players on the field because one of my players received red card.HaHa. Still, I won. Guess he loses his touch on the game. Nevermind, there is always the next time, but it won't be easy to be beat me, my bro!
Oh ya, talking about soccer, I have a soccer match tomorrow at Bedok View Secondary. Hopefully I bring my scoring boot!