Hey wazzzzup! If you guys think that the reason why I have not been blogging this past few days is because I am lazy, then you are wrong!!! This blog of mine is under construction for few days and I guess it is okay to blog now.
Oh what the heck...I know I have not been hardworking enough to blog nowadays.Not that I don't want to but I can't think of any reason to do so except for now.
Last Friday was the last day of school and it is the end of my first year in the school. So here is what happen on Friday...
That day was a birthday of a classmate of mine, Peixin. I guess their plan works, giving her a big surprise. There is nothing better than getting a surprise on your special day. She was given a melodious birthday song, sang by the class. My guitar solo came after that. Damn! I blew up the solo!! and I did not know that it was being recorded.HaHa. Solo blooper. Anyway, after that, the birthday girl make a wish, blew the candles and cut the cake. Few photos were taken. Thanks to the photographers.
We ordered some pizzas too. Eat, eat , eat, do our own stuffs and not much school work was being done. Except for the one ppt presentation, which we do as a class, then, DONE!
After school ended, went to Vivo and just chill at the sky park with only a few of my classmates. The train trip was long but you will feel like it is being cut down a lot when you are being accompanied by them. Listen to some real life story and damn hilarious I must add, right, Syuk? HaHa. Btw Syuk, your secondary one classmate, not that bad eh :P . Chilling at the sky park was the best. There were some stories being shared, advices, jokes. I would say that there was a 'Laughing of the Moment'. I have never laugh that way before.Seriously, you guys crack me up. Thanks for the sharing and for listening, guys.
I am going to miss the W26K 08/09 peeps. The fun, crappy stuffs we did together.
I am thinking of writing about you guys here but I bet it is going to be a very long list. It's gonna look like a book. So, I guess you guys just have to wait for the book to be published yea. HaHa.Hope to see you guys soon. Can't wait for the outing. Keep in touch ya.
W26K 08/09
it's not the things we want, it's the things we get. -Syuk

See the picture above? Yea, that was what Caliph, Zee, her friend - Rena and me...and some other people did during the past weekends. Paint house. The meeting was damn early but I still got to go because I have made a commitment.HaHa. We were luckily to get houses that are clean I must say, so it is quite an easy job for us. I would say it was a bit tiring but enjoyable. Painting with friends. That is the first time. Made new friends there and one of them was Fabien. A tall guy, whose ideal job is to paint the ceiling.HaHa. Miss Leah, a facilitator was our in-charge. Hhhmmm...What can I say about her?HaHa. She is fun to be with and easy to get along. Talk alot, in a good way I mean. HaHa. Oh ya, saw an old classmate of mine, Derrick. Did not know that he was also into that event. Been a while since we talk to each other. Glad to know that you enjoy your holidays. Hope you guys enjoyed your holidays too and not being waste.
Yesterday was the end of the holiday and back to school we must go. Haiz. Really not in the mood but what to do... 3 more weeks to go. Just hold on!
Before I end, I just got a question. Why do people like to judge other people when they do not really know what is really going on?? Don't you ever think that maybe you have made a wrong judgment of that person? I mean, you only see him from the outer but not inside and also the situation he is in. Even the judge in subordinate court needs the story from both party before sentencing any punishment. If I do not care about what other people think of me, then you guys will think I am arrogant. Wouldn't it be great if we are still just babies? All you do was eat, sh!t and sleep. We do not need to care/worry about other people or other stuffs. So guys, when you judge others, you are only judging yourself.
you stole my soul to set me free