Monday, December 29, 2008
New Look to a New Year
Well,since yesterday is a start of a new year (according to Islamic calender),
I've decided to give this blog o' mine a change.
This skin's color contrast caught my eyes, so I chose it and also, Paramore is one of my favorite band.HeHe.
Feel free to give any comments.
Once again, Happy New Year.
To those who have started school, happy schooling.HaHa.
Since it is a new year, what is/are your new year resolution(s)?
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Another Year Of Stardom has Past and More Yet to Come
Look at those hair colors.HaHa. And her face expression, just makes her more cuter :P.
Can't wait for the third album to released!
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Final Riot! in La La Land
"and in case you don't know,already, my friends I'll tell you...... WE..ARE..PARAMORE !!!!!!!!!!"You guys might be asking, '
who is that cute chick?' Well, that is Hayley Williams, frontwoman for Paramore. I guess most of you guys have heard the song 'Decode' and most probably like it. She is also a Twilight fan. I have listened to Paramore's The Final Riot! live songs and I would say that the songs that is not really to my liking, as in the ones that will stuck in my head for few days, when I listen to their live performance, it kind of push up the love-o-meter. Love the way how the band and her connect to the fans, not only the ones present there but also here, behind this laptop.
Love her voice.The way she controls it. The
power, the range. AWESOME!
Love her rock attitude. Side-ways head bang.
Love her showmanship.
Love her red-hair trademark.
I guess it is true that good things come in small packages. HaHa. Do not be fool by her small size. The voice power she has can be twice of yours! Oh ya, and she is only 20 years old this year!!

Move aside Miley Cyrus because the next big star is here. You guys may have seen her in the show 'Camp Rock'. She is Demi Lovato. I have listened to all her songs in her first album. I would give it 3.5 /5. Love the rock edge in her songs. I mean, I do not really expect a cute, innocent, pretty looking teen like her to produce such vocals. Well, some of her songs, Jonas Brother did help in composing it too I think. I like it when she wears her tight, skinny jeans and also her boots on. Love her broad smile :D . Maybe in time to come, she will be the next rock chick everyone talks about.

Demi Lovato and Paramore
(Look at Demi's smile and that cute facial expression from Hayley.HaHa)
'we'll leave it on the line'
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Why Keep Pulling Me Into The Water When Knowing That I Can't Swim
You're pushing and pulling me down to youBut I don't know what I wantFizlow is unsure where he is now
needle on the compass just keep spinning around
it is of no use anymore
someone should lend him one
because he needs directions
Fizlow spends all his time stuck in yesterday
curiosity eats him inside too
too scared to do anything
because don't want to end up
dead like 'The Cat'
Fizlow feels that living on the moon
would not be any stranger
distance apart will be the same
Fizlow is making a bed
at the bottom of the blackest hole
and he'll sleep til May
and he say that he don't want to see the sun anymore
crashing down in your avalanche.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
It's my declaration, to anyone whose listening
Done with school stuff and now I am blog hopping. Hop til I land on this place with interest sight. Found this website where people post their photo and write whatever they want to do before they die.
That is the website if you guys want to check it out. Also, do not forget to post your photo and your before-death-list. So far, I have seen that most of them want to travel around the world before they die. Hhhmmm, who would not want that, right? Some of the things I want to do are.....
SnowboardingPlay in a gig/Have my own concertTo see Paramore and Panic at the Disco live concertGo Anfield and watch Liverpool's matchI want to feel how it is like to be a billionaire! ( or maybe millionaire? thousandaire? )To love and to be loved. HeHe.Drive luxury, sports cars. ( Lamborghini, Porsche, Ferrari, Mercedes SLR, Maserati) Accelerate the car at full speed til my body can not take it.Travel the world. Parts of Europe at least.I bet there are still more stuff but I could not think of it right now. I will add on in time to come.
It is already 1 am now, there is school later on and I am still here writing my 'death-list'. HaHa. Not only that. I am doing the structure for the me and Syuk ( and hopefully the class too! than it will be ' How 24 Songs Collide. Cool or what! HaHa. )recording later. HaHa. It is going to be a nice one I tell you.Done with that and we can try it later! Now, I cannot sleep 'I cannot dream tonight, I need somebody and always, This sick strange darkness, Comes creeping on so haunting every time' HaHa.
Maybe, if my brain stop working, it won't hurt this much.
Damn! Hate the flu, headache, body ache. I think I am going to be sick. It all started with one person and that one person spreads the virus to all.HaHa
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Road To Success Is Under Construction
On Saturday, I had a soccer match at Siglap Secondary if I am not wrong. Match started around 3.30. The weather was damn hot. The sun just sucking the energy out of me. No time for complaints, still got to go on with the match. I am in the 1st eleven and get to play on my favorite position; right midfield!! (like Theo Walcott.HaHa) Anyway, while playing halfway of the 1st half, I trip on an opponent's back heel while trying to overlap and outrun him. -_-''' I try to continue playing for a few minutes but my head just could not take it anymore. After the fall, my head feels like it is turning 360 degree a few times. It is like me collide with a big, build quarter-back, both of us running towards each other. Took a break and substitute with Luqman. Did not really make full use of the opportunity given. Haiz. Still got to fight for my position!
Second half came and I was a bit okay and continue playing. This time, it is left-back for me. Not really my preferred position. Firman giving commands and controlling the back four. Was good but I think that the defense line was quite high. We keep playing the offside trap and to me, it is quite dangerous. If the opponents strikers were to time their run well, we are dead. The sound of the whistle is like a music to our ears.Another thing is, Firman keeps telling me to keep compact with the centre back and that results in giving the opponent wingers opportunities to cross. If they were to have a good header, again, we will be conceding goals.
The score was 3-2 and it was nearly the end of game. The referee just could not find the air inside his body to low the whistle and that resulted in a 3-3 draw. It was fcuking last minute!!! After they score, end game. Haiz. What a luck. The team played well and should have scored a lot more, did not really make chances pay. I did not score but hope to do so in the upcoming games.
After match.....