Sunday, November 30, 2008
I've Got All This Ringing in My Ears and None on My Fingers
Now, I feel like throwing this laptop out of the window, 7 storey high. When it already smashed into pieces, I am going to take a hammer and smash again those small pieces into even smaller pieces!! Then I am going to use the bulldozer to flatten everything up!! AAARRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!Enough about that. So here are the photos taken on Friday.....
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Grab A Microphone Coz We Gonna Sing All Day Long
Thursday, there was a random, unpredictable planning. It was fun though.Wanie discover something new. HaHa.
Friday, VB time! Hate that. Such an alien thing to me. It just would not explain in English term which most of us can understand pretty well. Again, no mood to do anything. My left side of the brain is still in LaLa land and just would not want to get out of there. Heard that that is going to be the last VB lesson. Thank god if that is true. Oh ya, since got no mood to do, me, Syukri and Caliph decided to do a mini recording. Me and Syuk on the mic. Caliph with the guitar. Wanie with the technical stuffs. Some songs we covered were Untitled(Simple Plan), Always Be My Baby(David Cook), Disenchanted(My Chemical Romance), Vindicated(Dashboard Confessional) and Only One(Yellowcard). I think after this, alot of people would want to sign us to their record label. LOL! We were just singing for fun. Kind of a stress-released exercise. Maybe one day the class will sing a song which all or most of us a familiarize with and just sing our heart out. Don't care that you do not sound nice or you going to make the sky cry , just sing for the sake of having fun!!!
At night attended the Reflections Closing Bash. Got free tickets, so why not go. Thanks Syaz! Sonic Avenue was the first band to have the opening. Good remix of the songs. Still not liking the vocals. Sorry. But good drummer and guitarists. Next up, Freaky Z. Was funny and the rap was not that bad. Love the beat. Then, the people from Replug IG time to perform. Now, I can not deny that the guy who sings has a great voice. He is quite famous in the school I think. Damn! If only I can sing like him, that will be awesome! Btw, he sang a song by Duffy which is 'Mercy'. Make it his own style. Cool. Next, same IG but different singer. Sang the song 'Billie Jean' by Michael Jackson. He makes it a bit like how David Cook covers it. Still, can't beat David Cook's high note. HaHa. But got to admit though, that guy sings well. Man, I wish that I could perform in that theatre. ONE DAY !!!The people from HipHop IG also did perform. Saw some familiar faces there. Nice moves. Natalie's Plight, another band that perform. A group of students doing their FYP. The project is something got to do with music and performing. They are being graded by that I think. I will love it if I were to be graded like that. The closing act was done by none other than our first Singapore Idol, Taufik Batisah!! I am no really a fan of his. Just there to support local musicians. Anyway, his song is not as bad as I thought. Wanie can't stop saying that whatever Taufik said, he is referring to her.HaHa. After the show, Zee did something shocking crazy thing. Out of a sudden she bought Taufik's album. It is her money so it is her business. After that, Taufik autographed the album and me and Zee took a photo with him!! But sadly, the photo does not turn out that nice. What a photographer I have. Sack her!! HaHa. On second thought, it is already nice of her to help take the photograph.Took the bus at Woodlands interchange around 11+. I like night rides! But this time, I fell asleep because too tired I think. And guess what, when I woke was already 3 stops after my home. -_-''' Luckily the last stop is at Bedok Interchange and not that far from my house. Wanted to take bus home but in the end decided to just walked home. A grear silent atmosphere. Normally it will take me around 30 mins walk home but I really took my own sweet time to walk. So around 45 minutes then I reached home which is already near to 1 am. Maybe I will upload the photos some other time.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Warmness On The Soul
- School - not in the mood, boring ( except for Syukri's riddle - ' ambulance siren' LOL!!!)
- Cognitive - Debate - tough, sucks
- Performance at TRCC : Staff Show
- violin + viola + cello = soothing
- magic act - awesome! better than what I expected
- Sonic Avenue >Smooth Criminal
>Time Is Running Out
>How You Remind Me
-Drummer (Syazni) the best! HaHa
-Don't really like the vocals and his
- Capoeira - again, really nice moves!!!
- @HOC! - Great guitarists!
- Vocals - rock songs - need more practice,
better on slow songs
The End
To Sabri : ' Dalone '...LOL!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Looking For That Magic Rainbow On the Horizon But I Couldn't See It

David Cook.
Finally I have his album! Yay me. HaHa.
Been waiting for it to be release since he won the American Idol. I love his rock edgy voice.
I want to have that kind of voice when singing and another thing is he got the rocker-look , which I wish I have but I guess that will just be another wish not being granted. I have just finished listen to all of his songs, just one time.
I got to say that it was worth the money. Most of his songs are to my liking.
Have not really pick to be my favorites. The only small disappointing thing is that the song 'Hello' ,which is originally sang by Lionel Richie, was not included inside the album!
I do not think there will be any full studio version for that. Haiz.
I bet you guys have listen to his cover of Mariah Carey's ' Always Be My Baby '. The song is way different from the original and he makes it better!
Now it is my turn to make a cover of that song. HaHa.
How can I decide what's right?
When you're clouding up my mind
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I give it all my oxygen, To let the flames begin
Early in the morning I already got this feeling that somehow today's lesson is going to be different? then the few previous one. I mean, last week was fun. Played some games and acting all that but today.....
Quite hard and been a long time since we did powerpoint presentation for this module, Cognitive. Oh well, it is already over so, lets not think too much on it. Just wait for the grade ya. Oh, before that had Cognitive UT. Was okay I guess. Why must all UT be early in the morning when my brain is half asleep and the other half dead?!? Haiz. Maybe should have it during the second break, after everyone is at least awake a bit and have their breakfast.
After school when to watch Capoeira reflection. Really nice moves! I like it when they do it fast. They also did some teachings of the moves. I want to thank Faris and Syukri for their one to one teachings. Maybe some day we can start sparring with each other. HaHa. Got to teach me the flip. Remember this, today you may be my teacher but in the future, I may just take down you guys!! HaHa. It was damn fun learning new stuff.Btw, nice
mickey mouse jacket eh...hahahaha
your thoughts I can't decode
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Sharpest Lives Are The Deadliest to Lead
Forget about Monday and lets start with Tuesday. Had UT in the morning.Hope I get a good grade for that.Cognitive was the module for that day. As usual, even though cognitive is a brain-cracking module, the facilitator still makes it fun! The topic for that day was Metaphor. It is interesting. We played a small game which was taken from the show ' Whose Line Is It Anyway?' ( a great, funny show you got to watch!). Everything was random, spontaneous. Every team did well and most of the time we were laughing our a$$ out.I should have recorded every team's work. ''Ah ma - my emotions are running high'' LOL!
During break, went down to support my friend of mine for his Capoeira thing. Then, without any preparation or whatsoever, I was being pulled by him and I need to do the Capoeira moves in front of quite a number of people there. Need to be sporting so I just do whatever I know or feel like doing. HaHa. I got a feeling it does not look nice. HaHa. After all that, went back to class to finish the script, lines for meeting 3. Overall, the day is like riding a rollercoster at a theme park. Oh ya, Syazni is good with metaphor. He came out with quite a lot that day. HaHa
On Wednesday, science module. Haiz. Seriously got no mood to enter the class for that day. There was a devil-for-a-day who reply my message and told me not to attend the lesson too. In the end, I did go for the lesson because there was no one who can accompany me. Gave a 'good' presentation, that's all I have to say. The next day was suppose to have a class gathering but it was canceled. Oh well.
Friday. The lesson...hehe. After school went to Yishun library.Re-opening of the library. There, Sabri and I did a location searching. We got the world on our palm.HaHa. There was a security guard. Suddenly, he tackled me from behind. I am not sure why but I think he knows that I am a Hitman. Damn. Struggled and fought with him. That took away my time a lot, so, to make it short, I took out a Hardballers at my side pocket and give him a shot to remember. I end my day with seeing an innocent man's blood shed.
Sorry Eva, I know this is not much of what you wanted. Maybe other entries ya.
give me all your poison, give me all your pill
give me all your hopeless hearts and me ill
Friday, November 7, 2008
Critical Acclaim
Excuse the obscene, ignore the untrue
Depictions we see try and get through
Admitting mistakes can hurt
I'm not the last but I sure ain't the first
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Nice Fusion, Good Vision
Today in school had Cognitive module. Although this module needs deep and a lot of thinking, the facilitator still makes it a little bit fun. Did a debate. My team won!! HaHa. Good job team. After school, when to see Beats Encore Reflections performance. Go! Syaz, Go! He was the man of the moment there. HaHa. I would say that the performance was damn awesome. Nice fusion. Capoeira + Gamelan + Beats Encore. Syaz group's performance was...unique. Their costumes.
Iban Jiwer. Oh ya, not to forget the lighting. Almost like My Chemical Romance concert. HaHa. Love the lighting. If I were to have my own concert, I would want the Beats Encore members to have the first performance as an opening act for my concert :). That will be damn cool. That girl who plays the trumpet makes me want to learn to play trumpet :P .
Saturday, November 1, 2008
One Sentence