Three days have past and the weekends are here. Quite a few things happened in this three days
grace. Like I said in my previous entry, there is going to be a change in my class. All I can say for now is that my new classmates are okay. I bet they going to show their true colors soon ! Can't wait for that. Tell you guys more about my new classmates some other time, after my data and analysis have arrive.
On the first day when school reopen, what i saw on the MSN was people putting their MSN personal message; ' I miss E37k '. I can't possibly say that I don't miss E37K, I do, but the fact is, WE CANNOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! How can you not miss the people whom you first meet in the new school + new class.They are the ones who go through with you all those sh!t in the new environment. Help you adapt. I recall back the entry I post few days ago, something about accepting reality. Now, I feel like deleting that post because it kinda contradict what I am feeling right now. Actually, I don't really mind having new classmates but still I don't want to leave E37K '08. Hey even if you make a wish that the E37K peeps will be classmates together forever and that wish is grant, let us think for a moment...wouldn't it be..'boring' to have the same people in your class every time. Okay, maybe boring is not the right word. What I meant was, wouldn't you guys want to meet someone new in class because with that, it will widen your circle of friendship. Maybe you will meet someone better in that new class. Oh c'mon, someday we are going to leave each other sooner or later, just a matter of time. Everyone taking their own path. Till then, lets just make full use of the time we have together.

Above are some pictures we took during break at the old E37K class. Maybe going back there was not a good idea. With friends to accompany you, it kind of lighten up your life a little bit. Well, guess what, that is going to be the last time, but I hope not, we going to step into that class because you know why? They going to lock the room because it is not being occupied. Another 'lepak' place to erase from the list. Sabri and Afiq did the lowering down the 'curtain' as a form of closing ceremony while I stand there quietly and respecting what they are doing.Door shut.Footsteps being heard moving away from the door.'' I'd chime in with a ' Haven't you people ever heard of breaking the god d@mn door?! '. " give me a reason to believe